by Miho Werner: Sunday‘s home game at Langenhorst was filled with a great atmosphere and a great crowd cheering and smiling. I’m Miho Werner and I organized Japanese food for this Japan Community Day, a game day where Kubosan was pitching.

Prior to the Japan Community Day, David, Kubosan, Basti Koch and I visited the Japanese school and offered a baseball class to introduce Japanese families and teachers to the Hamburg Stealers and to invite them to the Japan Community Day.  

I also organized a group of Japanese mothers to help make Okonomiyaki, the Japanese pancake, for this event. Rie Shoyama, Kazuko Akita, Naomi Ohura, and Yuko Washishita and their husbands and children helped me prepare, make, and sell Okonomiyaki the whole day.

We were worried about the weather, but it turned out to be perfect for the game!

We had so many people attend from the Japanese school, the teachers, and also from a Japanese community in Hamburg who found out about the event through Facebook.  The Consul General of Japan, Kikuko Kato, was our special guest. She threw the honorary first-pitch with Kubosan to cheers and applause from the fans.

The Japanese catering team made about 100 Okonomiyaki but they sold out within 90 minutes. We felt a bit bad that we couldn’t provide them to everyone who wanted to try them. Next time we will plan to make lots more! It was so nice to see that everyone enjoyed Japanese food and the feedback was that they were “sehr lecker.“ Their smiles made us happy and helped us to enjoy this catering work.

When I saw all the seats were filled and our stadium was full of our club’s fans, I was overwhelmed withemotion and I almost cried.  Everyone seemed to enjoy the game, the sun, the food, and the drinks. It was such a great family event after all. We succeeded!


I cannot thank enough my Japanese mom friends and their families who helped me, the Japanese community, the teachers from the Japanese school, the Consul General, and, of course, the Stealers catering team who all made sure this event happened successfully.  I truly hope that through this event more people know about the Hamburg Stealers, and I hope more children will be interested in playing baseball in Germany.

The Hamburg Stealers are indeed a great, heartwarming club team. So I would like to continue to let people know about us and baseball through these fun events!