Die Hamburg Stealers freuen sich, die Verpflichtung von Oskar Jerfsten bekannt zu geben, einem herausragenden schwedischen Nationalspieler und erfahrenen Catcher. Oskar, der für seine beeindruckende Defensive hinter der Platte bekannt ist, wechselt zur kommenden Saison zu den Hamburg Stealers.

Mit einem beeindruckenden Schlagdurchschnitt von 500 auf der Herren Europameisterschaft 2023 in Tschechien hat Oskar Jerfsten bereits sein Talent auf internationalem Parkett unter Beweis gestellt. Seine Fähigkeiten als „Receiver“ und sein gutes „Pitch Calling“ haben ihn in Europa bekannt gemacht.

Trainer David Wohlgemuth äußerte sich begeistert über die Neuverpflichtung: „Wir freuen uns unheimlich, dass Oskar nächstes Jahr für uns spielt. Mit Oskar bekommen wir nicht nur einen talentierten Catcher, sondern auch einen erstklassigen Menschen nach Hamburg. Seine Erfahrung und Fähigkeiten werden zweifellos einen positiven Einfluss auf unser Team haben.“

In einem exklusiven Interview auf Englisch teilte Oskar Jerfsten seine Gedanken über den Wechsel mit:

Interview mit Oskar Jerfsten (auf Englisch):

1. What motivated you to join the Stealers, and what are your goals for the upcoming season? „Hamburg Stealers seems like a great organization that I’m really looking forward to join! The team sounds exciting, and I’m eager to meet all the players and coaches. My goal this season is to help Hamburg win as many games as possible and bring home a championship to Hamburg!“

2. Can you tell us about your previous baseball experience and how you prepare yourself for the Bundesliga? „I have played many seasons in Sweden and most recently for Rättvik Butchers where we have won back-to-back Swedish championships. I’ve also played in Germany before, for Mannheim Tornados. This offseason, I’m in Sundsvall working out in their great indoor facility to be ready right from the start of the next season!“

3. Is there a specific player or team in the Bundesliga that you’re particularly looking forward to playing against? Why? „Last time I was in Germany, I was in the South, so this time I’m looking forward to see all the teams in the North!“

4. What personal strengths do you bring to the team, and how do you think you can impact the Stealers‘ game? „I’m trying to lead by example and be a hard worker. I’m going to bring a good attitude on and off the field!“

5. Do you have any specific rituals or habits before a game to get yourself in top form? „Before games, I like to show up early to give myself a lot of time to get in the right state of mind and get my body going the right way.“

6. How do you maintain both physical and mental fitness outside of the playing field? „I spend a lot of time in the gym, both for lifting and mobility. For me to stay in shape in season, it’s a key for me to keep going with that year around.“

7. What role has baseball played in your life so far, and what does it mean to you to play at this level? „Baseball is and has been a huge part of my life ever since I was a kid. To be able to travel the world through the sport you love is a great blessing! I’m really excited to come back to the Bundesliga and to represent the Hamburg Stealers!“

8. Is there a particular moment or achievement in your baseball career that you’re especially proud of? „The two championships we won with Rättvik meant a lot to me. I love winning, and that’s what I want to keep doing in Hamburg!“

9. Off the field: What are your hobbies or interests when you’re not playing baseball? „Off the field, I like spending time with family and friends. Sports have always been my biggest hobbies, and growing up I played a lot of different ones. My main ones have always been baseball and hockey.“

Die Hamburg Stealers heißen Oskar Jerfsten herzlich willkommen und freuen sich auf eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit in der kommenden Saison.
